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Arno Keppens

What constitutes emergent quantum reality? An exploration from the constants of free space

In this work it is acknowledged that important attempts to devise an emergent quantum theory require space-time to be discretized at the Planck scale. Yet if the conjectured space-time quanta are ontologically considered real objects that are indeed the relational constituents of an emergent reality, the five ‘fundamental’ constants related to free space that define the Planck unit system are expected to be replaceable by enumerations of the invariable properties of these rigid constituents. A direct connection between the constants of free space and expectedly related invariable constituent properties is therefore derived. It is then investigated whether the latter provide a different view on quantum gravity and its possible unification with the other fundamental forces. A Planck-scale origin for thermodynamic black hole characteristics is relatedly provided, which is more direct than earlier accounts.

EmQM17-223What constitutes emergent quantum reality? An exploration from the constants of free space by Arno Keppens

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