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Gerhard Grössing, Siegfried Fussy, Johannes Mesa Pascasio, Herbert Schwabl
Austrian Institute for Nonlinear Studies, Vienna, AT

Vacuum Landscaping: Cause of Nonlocal Influences without Signalling



In the quest for an understanding of nonlocality with respect to an appropriate ontology, we propose a “cosmological“ solution. We assume that from the beginning of the Universe each point in space has been the location of a scalar field representing a zero-point vacuum energy that vibrates at a vast range of different frequencies across the whole Universe. A quantum, then, is a nonequilibrium steady state in the form of a “bouncer“ coupled resonantly to one of those (particle type dependent) frequencies, in remote analogy to the bouncing oil drops on an oscillating oil bath as in Couder’s experiments. A major difference to the latter analogy is given by the nonlocal nature of the vacuum oscillations.

With these assumptions, we can replicate quantum mechanical features exactly by subjecting classical particle trajectories to diffusive processes caused by the presence of the zero point field, with the important property that the probability densities involved extend, however feebly, over the whole setup of an experiment. The model employs a two-momentum approach to the particle propagation, i.e., forward and osmotic momenta. The form of the latter has been derived without any recurrence to other approaches such as Nelson’s.

We show with the examples of double and n-slit interference that the assumed nonlocality of the distribution functions alone suffices to derive the de Broglie-Bohm guiding equation with otherwise purely classical means. In our model, no influences from configuration space are required, as everything can be described in 3-space. Importantly, the setting up of an experimental arrangement limits and shapes the osmotic contributions and is described as vacuum landscaping. Accordingly, any change of the boundary conditions can be the cause of nonlocal influences throughout the whole setup, thus explaining, e.g., Aspect-type experiments. We argue that these influences can in no way be used for signalling purposes in the communication theoretic sense, and are therefore fully compatible with special relativity.
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